
Senior Secondary Programs

Equip: Yr 10-12


Equip (Catholic School Edition) – A six lesson, video led series for senior students (years 10-12), that will empower your senior students to have lives and relationships that prosper.

Equip (Catholic School Edition) is specifically for Catholic School students aged 15+.


Equip (general Christian School Edition) – A four lesson, video led series for senior students (years 10-12), that will equip your senior students for relationships road ahead.

Equip (general Christian School Edition) is specifically for Christian School students aged 15+.

Yr 11-13: Love, Relationships, Wellbeing and Decision Making

Our next program release....

Senior hero image 2021 MR

Featuring modules on:

  • Media and Technology

  • Love, Sex and Relationships

  • Navigating a Hypersexual Digital World

  • Dating and Relationships

This exciting new resource features over 20 topics and covers everything from self-worth to sexting, healthy tech use to the non-consensual sharing of sexual images, body image to pornography, dating to marriage. 'Flourish Yr 9-13' presents these topics in a contemporary way, incorporating the faith component that is such an important part of Catholic and Christian Education. This landmark resource will be a must-have for all Christian and Catholic schools.


  • Age-appropriate content
  • The flexibility to pick and choose topics or modules to suit your needs
  • Exclusive personal access - everything easily accessible in one learning platform
  • Topics with opening activities, literacy activities, video teaching input, illustrations, reflection activities, quizzes and written activities
  • Parental support materials with regular updates (E.g. eSafety updates)
  • Multiple resource options for all topics
  • Phone and email support to help you get the most out of the resource


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